JGGS编委Georg GARTNER教授 | “地图学与地球空间信息教育:理论与实践”专刊
🔷Title l 题目
Underpinning Aspects of Developing a Cartographic Curriculum
🔷Citation l 引文格式
Georg GARTNER. Underpinning Aspects of Developing a Cartographic Curriculum[J]. Journal of Geodesy and Geoinformation Science, 2022, 5(3): 41-50. DOI: 10.11947/j.JGGS.2022.0305
🔷Abstract l 摘要
Educating the future generation of modern cartographers, being able to deal with the rapid changes of modern technologies and developing the skills and competences to not only being able to cope with those challenges but also to be able to contribute to develop the domain further, has become a rising concern of many. In this paper, the experiences of setting up an International MSc program are shared as well as some reasoning for the development of an underpinning curriculum are given.
🔷Key Words l 关键词
cartography; education; competences; curriculum
🔷Authors l 作者
本文选自JGGS 2022, Volume 5, Issue 3, P41-50。Map Approval Number(审图号):GS京(2022)0872。点击阅读原文即可下载。
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